Hangovers from a Nutritionist’s Perspective

Imagine this: you’ve just woken up in an unfamiliar location, completely unsure of the time, day, or even the year.

Every part of your body aches. You’re wondering whether you’ve been mugged, caught in a wrestling match, or attacked by a wild animal.

There’s an overwhelming sense of dread (heightened by worries about your bank account), your hands won’t stop trembling, and the mere thought of making it to the bathroom feels like preparing for a Mount Everest expedition.

Welcome to the world of hangovers.

Take heart—it could be worse. At least you haven’t woken up next to a tiger, with a new face tattoo, or married to a stranger whose name you don’t know.

Still, a hangover is a hangover, and no matter the circumstances, they’re awful…
But if you ever find yourself in such a predicament, we’re here to help.

This is what nutritionists suggest for hangovers.


What defines a “HANGOVER”?

First, let’s dissect what exactly happens to your body after drinking and examine why scientists believe hangovers feel so miserable.

As a depressant, alcohol enhances sociability, lowers inhibitions, and impairs various brain functions responsible for decision-making and memory.

Human interaction with alcohol goes back much further than most people think. Archaeological discoveries reveal that our ancestors were consuming alcohol as early as the Stone Age, long before modern humans adopted the pint.

It’s crucial to understand that alcohol is inherently a toxic substance. The body cannot store it, and if it isn’t metabolized quickly and effectively, it can build up and cause significant harm.

The metabolic byproducts of alcohol breakdown (acetadehydes) are highly reactive and contribute to what’s known as “oxidative stress,” an imbalance between reactive metabolic compounds and antioxidants. The more oxidative stress present, the higher the risk of cell and tissue damage.

Studies show that increased oxidative stress intensifies the inflammatory response, worsening the severity of a hangover.

A hangover is essentially a cocktail of discomfort. Common symptoms include headaches, fatigue, difficulty focusing, thirst, dizziness, nausea, and mood swings—familiar experiences for many of us.

While the precise causes of these symptoms remain uncertain, factors such as oxidative stress, inflammation, disrupted sleep quality, and alcohol’s diuretic properties (leading to frequent urination) are all believed to play a role. Additional contributors include changes to routine, age, gender, and even genetics.

Although some of these elements are beyond our control, others are manageable. Here are some strategies for preventing and alleviating hangover symptoms.


How to Minimize the Risk of a Hangover

Aside from the obvious solution of abstaining from alcohol entirely, there are ways to protect yourself from the worst effects of a hangover.

Here are some factors that can worsen a hangover:

  • Drinking excessive amounts
  • Consuming alcohol too quickly
  • Being an infrequent drinker
  • Choosing alcoholic beverages high in congeners (byproducts found in certain drinks like bourbon that originate from ingredients or production methods).

If you’re not a regular drinker, it’s especially important to pace yourself and recognize when to stop. While identifying that one drink too many is relatively easy, resisting it is often the challenge.


How Food can help

Your dietary choices can greatly influence the likelihood and intensity of a hangover.

Having food in your stomach slows down alcohol absorption. This lends credibility to the age-old advice, “don’t drink on an empty stomach.”

Meals rich in fats, carbohydrates, or proteins are all effective in delaying alcohol absorption. The key factor is whether alcohol is consumed on an empty stomach or alongside a meal.

A high-protein, high-fiber meal can also help minimize any negative effects on body composition. From snacks like protein bars or shakes to substantial meals like a chana daal and theplas, veggie-packed omelette, or matar paneer, your choices can significantly lower your hangover risk.

Alcohol consumption directly impacts sleep quality and quantity. The more you drink, the more your sleep suffers, compounded by staying up later than usual.

To optimize sleep, aim for a reasonable bedtime in a dark, quiet, and comfortable environment.

Before bed, hydrate to counteract alcohol’s dehydrating effects. Drinking a few cups of water with an electrolyte tablet can help, but avoid drinking so much that you’re waking up frequently during the night. Continue hydrating the next day—keep a glass of water by your bedside.

Although there is limited evidence supporting anti-inflammatory treatments for hangovers, dissolving vitamin C in water and taking a few omega-3 capsules may help ease morning symptoms.


What to Steer Clear of When Hungover

Greasy foods can exacerbate a hangover by intensifying and prolonging its symptoms.
While sugary foods might seem appealing, they can cause a rapid spike in blood sugar, followed by an even sharper drop, leaving you feeling fatigued, irritable, and low-spirited. If you must indulge, stick to small portions.

Contrary to popular belief, drinking more alcohol (the infamous “hair of the dog” method) simply delays hangover symptoms and is best avoided.


Managing “Hangxiety”

The dreaded anxiousness when hungover can feel like a dark cloud looming over your day after heavy drinking, but these steps can help:

  • Return to your usual routine as much as possible
  • Spend time outdoors for fresh air and light activity
  • Freshen up with a shower and clean surroundings
  • Talk to loved ones for emotional reassurance
  • Nourish yourself with wholesome, nutritious food


Final Thoughts

Since the dawn of alcoholic beverages, humanity has sought a cure for the dreaded hangover.

While abstaining from alcohol remains the best preventative measure, eating a meal before drinking, staying hydrated before bed and the next day, and opting for nutrient-rich, protein- and fiber-packed foods can make a significant difference.

Avoid junk foods, stick to your normal eating and sleeping patterns, and you’ll be better equipped to endure even the harshest hangovers.

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